Consent may seem like a complex issue, but the solution to the challenges caused by non non-consenting sexual activity can be surprisingly simple.
Open and honest conversations.
As parents, carers and communities, we can collectively shape a future where respect and understanding are the norm.
Don't worry if talking about consent feels a bit uncomfortable initially. Of course it will. It's a new skill for so many of us, but with practice, you'll gain confidence and you'll find your own way to have these really, really important conversations.
It's a really good idea to start a conversation with your partner or other trusted adults in your child's life to make sure that you're on the same page. When we share information and strategies, it helps everyone to feel more prepared and confident in addressing these really important topics.
Having open and honest conversations about sex and consent in age appropriate ways lets your children and young people know that they can come to you with questions or concerns, without fear of judgment, and this establishes a foundation of open communication where they feel comfortable seeking advice and support, which leads to them making healthy decisions.
Our website has lots of resources to make this easier, including practical guides to support your conversations with kids and other adults.
Learn more at
Because consent can't wait.